Friday, January 14, 2011

Week 2 of 52

I wanted to do a photo of a drink with ice (no ice in the house) for the cold theme this week but we had a blizzard instead. hence this photo


Friday, January 7, 2011

Week 1 of 52 weeks

So yesterday while my battery's charged I had to do something so I thought I would roll all the change to see if there was enough to go in to my camera upgrade fund. After I got it all rolled it was a good chunk of change (all most $200.00) I started looking at and really liked the way the pattern and colors looked and I knew that this would be my first photo for this project

or this one



So what do you think??

Thursday, January 6, 2011


So I thought I would take shots today for this project and..... my battery's were dead. As my camera is griped and has 2 battery's and only one charger it takes a while to charge. So by the time they are all charged it's dark and I don't want to use the flash so I will try tomorrow. Hears hoping :D

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


The theme for this week is NEW!
I decided I should look at the p52 group and see if there was a theme for this week as I have not been able to pickup my camera. Yea they have a theme. Soooooooo I will get my camera out tomorrow and get shooting so I will have something to post for this week.      

Sunday, January 2, 2011


This is the first post of my first blog and my first 52 week photo project.
Kinda scared